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A CRA Member Exclusive

These valuable resources are an exclusive benefit for California Restaurant Association Members. If you are interested in becoming a member click here to join or to have a Member Development Manager reach out to you directly.

Business For SSO-Actives
Fast food on table in cafe

Preparing for AB 1228

Published: 2024

Effective April 1, 2024, AB 1228 will usher in sweeping changes for the California Fast Casual Restaurant industry, including a minimum wage hike to…

ADA For SSO-Actives
Hands on computer

ADA Compliance for Websites

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) generally requires that businesses provide qualified individuals…

Health Care For SSO-Actives
Man wiping nose

California’s Paid Sick Leave Law

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

California workers are covered by regular CA Paid Sick Leave laws and CA Paid Family Leave. All of which provide employees avenues to flexibly take time…

Staff For SSO-Actives
Cell Phone in hand

Cellular Telephones

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

While at work, we expect our employees to devote their full energy and attention to conducting company business. Receiving…

Staff For SSO-Actives
Paper with text on it

Confidentiality Agreement

Our legal partner Anthony Zaller has created this confidentiality agreement template for use by CRA members as needed. We recommend that…

Security For SSO-Actives
Passing credit card

Don’t be a target for hackers

While most restaurant owners accept credit and debit cards, very few understand the financial strain that may result if data thieves break…

Staff For SSO-Actives
Cooking Staff

Employment termination

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

Terminating an employment relationship is never easy. Many people fail to appreciate how personally and legally…

Labor + Employment For SSO-Actives
Chef standing by mixer

Employees versus independent contractors

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

With limited exceptions, workers who perform services for a business are either employees or independent contractors. An independent contractor…

Tips For SSO-Actives
Tip Jar

Employer-mandated tip pooling guidelines

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

Tips and their distribution among the staff have plagued the hospitality industry for years. Federal courts interpret the federal law differently…

Staff For SSO-Actives

Employment of minors

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

Passed and signed into law in late 2020, AB1963 established that “mandated reporters” now include certain supervisor and human resources…

ADA For SSO-Actives
Service dog sitting on green grass

How to provide equal access for all

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

Service animals enrich the lives of many disabled Americans by performing vital tasks to increase their owners’ safety, mobility…

Customers For SSO-Actives
bar with people

Minors and Bars: The Basics

Everyone knows that in California you must be 21 in order to consume alcoholic beverages. However, can someone under the age…

Business For SSO-Actives
Record Player

Music use and copyright law

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

Restaurant owners and operators are often caught off-guard when they receive a letter or phone call from a representative from a performing…

Staff For SSO-Actives
Chef using a rolling pin on dough

An overview of overtime laws

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

The overtime rules affecting California’s food and alcohol/beverage service industries are described in Industrial…

Labor + Employment For SSO-Actives
Stack of Binders


Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

If you received a PAGA notice, count yourself as one of thousands of employers who receive one every…

Business For SSO-Actives
Close up of two tables with candles on them

Restaurant Lease Guide for Business Owners

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

There is a lot of capital required to run a restaurant, and one of the main costs associated with operations is your physical space. However, before signing any lease, whether…

Tips For SSO-ActivesFor ContributorsFor Editors
Person holding a bag with receipt attached

Service charges definition and guidelines

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

In a ruling issued in June 2012, the Internal Revenue Service clarified the difference between a tip and a service charge for…

Health Care For SSO-Actives
Person holding their hands close to them

Mental Health Issues

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

Mental illness has been stigmatized in society. Until recently, and to avoid being singled out, judged or marginalized…

Tips For SSO-Actives
W2 with money

Tip reporting requirements

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

In August 1982, Congress enacted the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), one of the most far-reaching tax laws in…

Tips For SSO-Actives
Chef working

Tips defined and guidelines

On June 20, 2012, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Revenue Ruling 2012-18 to clarify and update existing guidelines on taxation…

Staff For SSO-Actives
Waitress taking an order

Uniforms: Guide to uniforms

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2023

Many restaurant operators are confused about uniforms. What they are? Who buys them? Who takes care of them? These…

Business For SSO-Actives
People holding signs

Unionization and the workplace

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

In 2024, unionization remains a key concern for employers. In 2022, the NLRB reported the highest number of unionization…

Minimum Wage For SSO-Actives
Scrabble spelling wage

Wage deductions and garnishments

Last Updated/Reviewed: 2024

With the exception of standard payroll tax deductions, the law generally prohibits an employer from deducting any wages from an employee’s paycheck…