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PAGA bill signing ceremony July 2024

Meaningful Reforms to PAGA Signed

Both bills received unanimous passage in both houses

On July 1st, 2024, Governor Newsom signed two major Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) reform bills, AB 2288 (Kalra) and SB 92 (Umberg), into law. These bills were the direct result of CRA’s negotiations with labor and the administration, along with our executive committee partners, the California New Car Dealers, California Chamber of Commerce, and Western Growers Association.

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Top 6 reform highlights from the bill package.

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Increases the amount of penalty share that goes to the worker

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Requires the employee (plaintiff) to experience the alleged violations within the last year personally

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Caps penalties for employers in certain instances

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Creates a new penalty ($200 per pay period) if an employer acted maliciously, fraudulently, or oppressively

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Expands which Labor Code sections can be cured, so employees are made whole quickly

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Protects small employers by providing a more robust right to cure process through the state labor department to reduce litigation and costs

View AB 2288  View SB 92



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Why the PAGA Reform was Needed?

PAGA was not much more than legalized extortion, leaving CA businesses vulnerable to shakedown lawsuits

PAGA enforcement was left to trial attorneys. Under PAGA’s broken system, employers have paid out $10 billion in settlements since 2013 – with attorneys pocketing significant fees after an easy shakedown, while workers received only a small portion

Learn more about what PAGA was

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Watch News You Need to Know

News You Need to Know

Two Victories: PAGA Reform & Pricing Flexibility/Transparency Bill

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Read the news release

News Release

In a Major Victory for Restaurants and their Workers, California Restaurant Association Announces Meaningful Reforms to PAGA are Signed into Law

Read now

Watch Episode 4: This is Not a Drill. We Have PAGA Reform.

Podcast: Confidential Bulletin

This is Not a Drill. We Have PAGA Reform.

Watch now

Watch the CRA Legal Center Webinar with Fisher Phillips: A PAGA Reform Victory-Impact and Insights for Your Business

CRA Legal Center Webinar with Fisher Phillips

A PAGA Reform Victory-Impact and Insights for Your Business

Watch now (must log in)

Download CA's PAGA of 2024 Report

CA’s PAGA of 2024 Report

An Assessment of Outcomes and Recommendations for a More Effective Alternative

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The Fix PAGA site was designed to bring together the community to support a better and fairer way for CA workers

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Two Stainless Steel Forks on Top of Place Mat

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