SB 1524

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SB1524 Content

Key Requirements of SB 1524 in 2025


Person Holding White Printer Paper Menu

Surcharges and Service Fees

Make sure your restaurant is compliant before July 1st 2025.

Effective on July 1, 2025, restaurants will additionally be required to make sure the fees are displayed in

  • a larger type than the surrounding text,
  • or in a contrasting type, font,
  • or color to the surrounding text of the same size,
  • or set off from the surrounding text of the same size by symbols or other marks,

in a manner that clearly calls attention to the language.

Industry Insight: Understanding and guidance on surcharges and service fees

Industry Insight by CRA Legal partner Wilson Elser

Understanding and guidance on surcharges and service fees

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SB 1524 webinar with Berliner Cohen

CRA Legal Center Webinar with Berliner Cohen

SB 1524 Victory! Understanding SB 478 History and how to Comply with SB 1524

Watch now (must log in)

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A Look Back at SB 1524


Bill Dodd and Matt Sutton Standing together after SB 1524 was signed.

Clarifies Language for Restaurant Pricing and Transparency

SB 1524 builds upon SB 478 from 2023, which was aimed at preventing “drip pricing”

On June 29th, 2024, Governor Newsom signed CRA-cosponsored bill, SB 1524 (Dodd + Wiener), into law. SB 1524 requires mandatory fees and charges to be clearly and conspicuously displayed, with an explanation of their purpose, on any advertisement, menu, or other display that contains the price of the food or beverage item. SB 1524 will preserve your choice to offer pricing models that are best for your restaurant, team-members, and guests so long as those charges are disclosed to guests ahead of purchase.

View release



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Top highlights from the bill.

fork icon

Requires mandatory fees and charges to be clearly and conspicuously displayed, with an explanation of their purpose, on any advertisement, menu, or other display that contains the price of the food or beverage item

fork icon

Builds upon SB 478 from 2023 which was aimed at preventing “drip pricing”, where consumers see an advertised price, but are subject to additional, undisclosed charges at purchase

fork icon

Provides transparency in pricing and allows guests to be presented with the price of various menu items and the amount of surcharge at the same point in time, when they are deciding what to order, and before they are charged for the meal

View SB 1524



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Why was SB 1524 Introduced?

Responding to SB 478 Guidance and FAQ

In response to questions about how the new law SB 478 would apply to restaurant charges, Sen. Bill Dodd introduced SB 1524 as an urgency measure. The bill, which went into immediate effect, clarifies that any mandatory gratuity, service charge or other fee charged by restaurants must be displayed conspicuously on restaurant menus. SB 1524 acknowledges the increasing trend among restaurants to establish and disclose “service charge” models to help finance non-mandatory benefits to team members and staff.

Learn more

Two People Paying at a Restaurant



SB 1524 Library

Webinars ● Industry Insights ● And More

Industry Insight: Understanding and guidance on surcharges and service fees

Industry Insight by CRA Legal partner Wilson Elser

Understanding and guidance on surcharges and service fees

Read now (must log in)

SB 1524 webinar with Berliner Cohen

CRA Legal Center Webinar with Berliner Cohen

SB 1524 Victory! Understanding SB 478 History and how to Comply with SB 1524

Watch now (must log in)


News You Need to Know

Two Victories: PAGA Reform & Pricing Flexibility/Transparency Bill

Watch now

News Release Signed - Screenshot CRA website

News Release

CRA, UNITE HERE, & Lt. Governor Cosponsored Bill (SB 1524) Ensuring Flexible and Transparent Restaurant Pricing Signed Into Law

Read now

Dodd's second press release

News Release

Sen. Dodd Introduces Restaurant Fees Bill

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Screenshot of Sen. Dodd's website

News Release

Sen. Dodd Introduces Restaurant Fees Bill

Read now

News Release FAQ - Screenshot of CRA website

News Release

The California Restaurant Association Responds to SB 478 Guidance and FAQ Released by California Attorney General’s Office

Read now



Two Stainless Steel Forks on Top of Place Mat

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